Friday, March 2, 2018

My Thoughts on the Florida School Shooting - You Probably Won't Like This

My higher purpose is to further freedom and life.  The universe seeks expanded freedom.  The ego opposes freedom under the guise of safety, but it’s really about fear-based control.  Keeping this truth in mind helps to resolve many dilemmas.

It also helps maintain perspective when people present distortions.

My perspective on the social, political and media reaction to a school shooting goes through this truth.  And looking at this through that truth I can see that my original reaction – didn’t read a single news report about it and never stopped ignoring it until the social overreaction got on my nerves – was the right one.

When society goes off its nut, the best thing is not to look and to ignore it. Except when the idiocy boils over begins to run athwart of my higher purpose.  Then I have to punch back
So my take – the students brought their karma upon themselves and instead of acknowledging their own culpability and changing their abusive behavior, they have retreated into self-delusion, blame-shifting and social justice craziness. 

That part doesn’t surprise me.  Kids were jerks when I was in high school too.  At my school, the “cool kids” created a “Shy Club” whose only purpose was to shame outcasts.  Really.  They made a tee shirt with the silhouette of an unpopular kid.  The kid later jumped off a building.  And the “cool kids” couldn’t have cared less.

Later in life I learned that the parents of the bullies are always aware of what their asshole kids are doing.  Most of the time they’re actively encouraging the behavior.  And sometimes actively engaging in the bullying themselves. 

So it doesn’t surprise me a lot of the parents are joining the kids in their complete non-self-reflective, blame-someone-else, social justice railing.  Virtue signaling is a lot easier than examining one’s one virtue, admitting one’s failings and seeking to improve.  You know, being virtuous in the true sense.
It does surprise me the media and the grown-ups are largely going along with this.  Wait, actually it doesn’t.  The media and most politicians promote fear, not freedom.  They value the ego, not God.  So to see them going overboard trying to rid us of freedoms, and using a whitewashed version of a school shooting to do it, is about what I’d expect from our society. 

Which is why completely ignoring all of this news really is the best choice.  Don’t engage at all.
Except for one big problem.  Statistically students don’t get killed in school shootings.  Thousands are bullied to death.  And what is going on now is going to result in more bullying, more oppression and more death.  The students and adults are showing their true colors – they love bullying, they want to see more kids kill themselves, they think the “Shy Club Kids” are funny and outcasts deserve to die, or be locked away. 

Nobody wants to look at the real problem.  Nobody wants to examine their own karma.  Nobody cares about life or freedom.  Just ego.  All this media circus is about is protecting and worshipping ego at the expense of life and freedom.  No wonder I found it annoying.

The shooter, like a lot of these sort of high school shooters, was bullied pretty badly.  No, that doesn’t mean the students deserved to die.  That’s not how karma works.  Karma is the result of one’s thoughts and actions and has nothing to do with justice or fairness or any other misattribution we assign to karma.  “Karma is a bitch” comes closest to accurately depicting karma.  It’s the effect of the Law of Cause and Effect.  When Hiroshima was nuked, that was the residents’ karma.  That doesn’t mean dropping the bomb was right.  History strongly suggests it was the best of a lot of really bad options.  War sucks.  And the US has received its own karma for World War II, however noble its intentions were in that war. 

So when I say the students brought about their own karma, I’m not saying the shooting was justified in any way.  I am saying, in a sense, it was inevitable.  And the students who created their karma are now doubling down on their bad karma.

No, most bully victims don’t kill.  They may kill themselves.  The huge majority move on.  Very evolved people can view their tormentors as a gift and grow from the experience.  But very few “very evolved people” are evolved as teenagers or children.

I have noticed that most people who are highly evolved were bullied or otherwise mistreated during their school years.  The cool kids rarely evolve, unless something else tests them.  In that sense the kids who suffer in school can have an advantage.  But also the most damaged and destructive people as adults were mistreated as kids.  And often the line between “highly evolved adult” and “damaged adult creating havoc in the world” is dangerously thin.  Learning to let go of one’s ego is the hardest lesson a person will ever learn.  The distance between “releasing ego” and “vengeance” is short. 

Society has also created its own karma by valuing the ego, by supporting the bullies and “cool kids,” by shunning the kids who are bullied.  Society pays lip service to compassion, but in every way society celebrates human cruelty, bullying, and shunning the outcasts.  And society pays its price for this without changing its behavior. 

Which gets back to my best advice – just don’t look.  Shun media.  Shun the mainstream news. If you want to cleanse your karma, you need to cleanse yourself of society’s karma through the mass media. 
Those friends of yours who nod their heads and say the kids who get bullied “brought it upon themselves?”  Get rid of them.  Don’t argue, just cut them out completely.  And of course that goes double for parents of kids who bully – treat them like the toxic waste they are.    There’s no point in fighting, that just attaches you to their negative energy.  Avoid them entirely.

As far as gun laws and all the political BS – I don’t care.  It’s virtue-signaling BS driven by guilt, fear or greed.  Follow your heart, not your ego or the collective Ego. 

Am I being harsh?  Maybe.  Am I lacking compassion for the victims?  Yes, but I don’t know any of them.  To say I have compassion for these strangers who show up on TV would be a lie.  I love all human life, whether it’s a student in Florida, a person in Syria, or the millions who suffer and die without any fanfare all over the world. These handful in Florida are no more important than any of the others.  The media is distorting the truth of the human condition, and in doing so actually DE-valuing human life.  But I’m callous for pointing this out?  Fuck that.  It’s media BS and as personally relevant to me as a dog barking in Kenya.

Human life is all around.  The media distorts it and dehumanizes it.  You want compassion, turn off the TV, get off the Internet, and go outside.  There it is.  Feel into your heart for the truth. And the truth is, in the larger picture of human life, what happened in Florida is a tiny crevice on a small grain of sand on the infinite scale of life.  Your life and mine are utterly meaningless to the universe.  That’s the truth. You want to really be connected to life?  Stop distorting it, stop listening to your ego, and listen to your heart. 

And I guarantee your heart doesn’t have one word to say about some high school in Florida, unless you happen to live there or have family there.  And when you get to the heart of the matter, neither do I.

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