Friday, March 23, 2018

Re. The Media Hysterics: "Meh."

This article pretty much sums up my thoughts on the hair-on-fire reporting and social media posting.  A whole lot of "Meh."

Camille Paglia Really Gets It

This seems to be the lone sane, intelligent, powerful voice amidst the "Feminist" shit blizzard.  She's sex-positive, feminine-positive, and male-positive while promoting female power.  So of course universities and leftist idiots want her banned.

She really gets it.  This is the kind of thought that will move us forward.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Crisis of Masculinity, Musings #1: Female "Men's Coaches" Only Make Things Worse

I have a lot to say about this subject.  This will be my "starting point" for a larger discussion.  This is mostly first takes I put down to get the ball rolling.  

There is a crisis in masculinity in our society.  This isn’t a new thing, by the way, it’s been a slowly-evolving crisis that began in the 1960s and has grown to this point today.  Men have lost their grounding, their purpose.  They’ve lost their balls.

Ten years ago we called it the “pussification of Western Society,” but that went out of vogue (ironically) because it was considered politically incorrect – and so the men saying this basically cut of their own balls to appease the complainers and stopped saying it.  And Western Society continued its unabated march toward pussification without any further commentary.

Which is too bad.  A big part of any movement to help men claim their power is going to involve pissing people off.  It’s going to involve being “politically incorrect.”  It’s going to involve calling a pussy a pussy – whether physical or metaphorical. 

Because men reclaiming their masculinity and asserting their power and natural dominant energy is going to involve a certain amount of aggression, pushing back, and fighting against forces that want to keep men down and have grown comfortable with the current dynamic.  It’s not going to be done with the permission and support of women, because some of it is going to come at their expense.  That’s just the nature of the beast.

It doesn’t mean an all-out war against women or a perpetuation of the “battle of the sexes,” but self-assertion, by its nature, means a certain amount of, well, standing up for one’s self.  Against others.  In other words, conflict where one side wins and the other loses, or at least has to back off on your terms.

Men are naturally dominant.  Men are natural leaders.  Men have been shirking their power and responsibilities, which means women have been filling some of this vacuum. Now, a lot of women (most) would be very happy to see their men lead – they’ve been dying for men to finally step up and BE MEN. 

But some women like having that power and are not going to be happy to see men taking back that power.  If men stopped being pussies, these women stand to lose their dominance over men and their comfortable relationships.  Most of those women would likely get dumped.  A lot of women who suck at relationships and get by on male guilt and disempowerment would have to face up to the reality that they’re failing as women.

If men step up and find their power, men will have choice, and they won’t choose second and third-rate women.  That means some women who currently “rule the roost” at home will find themselves bitter and lonely in their older years when their boy toy stops putting up with their crap and takes his balls back.

There are a number of coaches who claim to be supporting men in their empowerment.  I’m skeptical of most of them.  Mostly because they seem to be taking far too much advice and energy from women in their endeavors.  Male empowerment is something men need to do on their own – a woman simply can’t do it for him or show him the way.  A man needs to find that man inside him.  A woman might know it when she sees it in a man, she’s going to be useless in helping a man find it.

Worse, she’s going to be a weakening influence on the coach.  He’s going to be looking over his shoulder to make sure he’s not offending the female point of view.  He’s going to be listening to some (at best) useless or (at worst) downright harmful advice. 

The measurement of a man’s connection with his masculinity is not in the approval of women.  Or of other men, for that matter.  This seeking approval is a big cause of the pussification in the first place.  More of the problem won’t lead to a solution.

Some aspects of a man’s connection with his natural masculinity will resonate strongly with women.  But not all of it.  If a man is grounded in his masculine energy, there are some things that will piss women off.  There are some things that will be a turn-off.  Overall, male-female relationships will be better and the attraction will be stronger, but it won’t be the way women want things to be.

A strong, powerful man takes up space, physically and energetically.  He’s grounded and sure in himself.  Which means he doesn’t need you and isn’t going to go along with what you want just to accommodate you or earn your approval.  In fact, your approval means little or nothing to him – he will place a much higher value on his approval and judgment than yours.  As he should – a man whose grounded and sure of himself will trust his judgment above all others.  It’s one of the hallmarks of masculinity (and of being sure of oneself, by definition). 

This means others are not going to get their way over him.  It doesn’t mean he’ll be an ogre – he’ll likely be very reasonable and consider many points of view (as other points of view don’t threaten him).  Women will likely find their man’s interest in a variety of viewpoints very threatening, since he’ll place as much weight on a stranger’s opinion as hers, assuming it’s a reasonable argument.   Women will also find grounded men frustrating because he’ll have no problem crossing her, and feel zero regret in doing so – he’s that solid in himself as a man.

What’s the difference between a man whose grounded, solid, reliable, trustworthy – and one whose stubborn, strong-headed, insensitive, and selfish?  Whether or not she agrees with his decisions.  But who gives a fuck if she agrees?  A good man, a man who is solid and grounded and truly embodies his masculinity, is going to do things women in his life don’t agree with.  If a woman doesn’t feel her man is “sometimes stubborn and disagreeable, generally good but sometimes insensitive,” he’s not in his full masculine.

This is why women teaching men to be masculine is dangerous.  No way will that woman encourage him to go all the way – that would be such a threat to her own power it would be unthinkable. 

I mean really – why would a woman WANT to coach men to be more masculine?  Think about it.  Does she want men to truly stand in their power and go their own way, often against her own best interests?  Of course not.  She wants men to be JUST POWERFUL ENOUGH to be “attractive enough,” and maybe (if she’s lucky) to sidetrack the men who might be truly on their path – confuse them just enough to keep them disempowered just enough. 

Nobody wants you to be truly powerful.  Well, that’s not true, but certainly no coach whose taking your money (because you might put him out of a job, or take his pick of women if you were truly in your power) and no woman you don’t know.  Maybe your sister has your back, if she’s *really* cool.  MAYBE.

A female “men’s coach” has NO REAL INTEREST in helping men be men.  It is something a man has to do on his own – with some help from other men.

There is a reason fathers are the ones who historically initiated their sons into manhood.  Because they’re the only men who love their sons enough to be willing to seem them become MORE POWERFUL than them – and who know what masculinity is.  You think even your male “coach” wants to see you overtake his power?  Of course not, he wants you to be good enough to PROMOTE HIM, but ALWAYS UNDER HIM. 

“Please, take my clients and steal my women” – said by no coach ever.  But if you REALLY WANT to fully embody your masculinity, you have to adopt some of that attitude, that “I’m going to eat your lunch and make you watch” kind of attitude.  Not that you’ll go around being a dick to people, but you have that power and aren’t afraid to use it.  And sometimes you do.

Trust me, I’ve seen these coaches pull this on their OWN STUDENTS.  EVERY coach.  He’s either taken some student’s woman or proven to himself he could.  He knows that client is his little bitch.  You think that client is EVER going to step into his masculinity under that coach?

No.  But listen to the song “Wrapped Around Your Finger” by the Police.  There’s a twist at the end.  If you’re going to step into your full masculinity, you need to be prepared to go ALL the way and be the master.  Which means at some point you’ll have to separate from any coach and go the final steps yourself.  (And hopefully be gracious enough not to do to him what you know he’d have done to you – though he’d have it coming.)

And female coaches don’t even want that much for you.

Coaching will only get you some of the way.  It’s up to you to take it from there. 

But I want to go back to the whole “female men’s coach.”  I’ve always been very skeptical of the kind of women who sign up for this.  And the more I’ve looked around, the more assured I am that my initial skepticism was correct.  There’s something inherently fucked up about women who seek out men to coach, especially to “be more masculine.”  And every one of the women I’ve seen who are in that business are… odd.  Putting it gently.

I can always tell when a men’s program has jumped the shark – it’s when they start hiring women.
Again, men, you want to find your balls, don’t seek out the woman whose seeking out men without balls.  (I’ll give you a minute.)

The big part of the problem for men who are lacking masculinity is they’ve already spent too much time around women.  Many were raised by single moms.  Others had a wussy father figure.  Others spent entirely too much time around women and didn’t have male friends growing up.  The last thing men like this need is MORE FEMALE ADVICE. 

So again, men, if you’re looking to deepen your masculinity, make this YOUR journey. Coaches are fine as GUIDES (but way overused and becoming the new first-world status symbol), but in the end it’s your life and your work – start stepping up, take your balls in your hand, and DO THE FUCKING WORK YOURSELF.  Stop listening to women’s advice.  For God’s sake, DON’T hire a female coach (or use a coaching service that employs female coaches) to teach you “how to be a man.”  If you’re doing these things – STOP!  You’re wasting time and money.  Take ownership of your own life, stand on your own feet and STOP trying to figure out what women and other people want you to do – that’s what got you in this mess to begin with.

Bottom line, if you want to stop being a pussy, the first step is to stop listening to pussies.  Politically correct?  Yep.  And spot on, and you know it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Happiness: Stop Worrying So Much About "Safety"

One of the things people who want to squash happiness do is insert unnecessary worry over "safety."  The media will magnify the "unsafe" things out of proportion and then "experts" follow suit.

But worrying about "safety" interferes with the natural process of life.  Some basic concern and precaution is warranted, but too much fear-based activity interferes with freedom and life. 

This video highlights some of the extreme "over-worrying" that goes on.  And the common-sense rules that apply to kids apply to adults as well.  Focus on living, not "being safe" all the time and living in a fear-bubble.  You'll be more connected with nature and feel happier.

Happiness: Who and What Makes You Happy?

A happy life is not measured by external reference.  There is one and only one measurement of a happy life, the owner’s subjective experience
It’s both simple and challenging.  Our only impediment to happiness is our own perception – very simple – and yet often very difficult to change.

What you do, how you measure up to others, what others thing of you, how much money you have, how many friends or whatever other measurement you use means nothing in relation to happiness.  Whatever measurement you use, there are many others “better off” according to that measurement who are more unhappy and many others “worse off” who are more happy.

There is no objective measurement of happiness based on empirical evidence.  It is a singular experience that comes down entirely to your attitude.

I’ve struggled with this myself.  Society wants to convince you happiness is “out there,” either through the accumulation of accomplishments or the new status symbol – “experiences.”  But a big bank account or lots of awards or lots of stamps on your passport does not lead to happiness.  Nothing outside of you will lead to happiness.  Happiness comes first before the enjoyment of other things.

And whether you realize it or not, you have haters.  There are people you know and people you don’t know who have a personal interest in seeing you unhappy.  They will go to every possible length to convince themselves, everyone around them, and (if they can) you that you are miserable, for whatever reasons they can come up with.  Because they’re unhappy and can’t figure out why, so they resent your happiness.

How dare you be happy when they have more money, or more friends, or a “better” job (whatever that means), or better “life experiences.”  If they’re miserable with their “superior” lives, then you can’t possibly be happy and, as haters, it is their job to show you that you aren’t happy, you’re just crazy.  Or settling for mediocrity.  Or brainwashed.  Anything they can get you to grab on to.
And “they” represents not just your personal haters (and you have some, everyone does), but the larger society that desperately wants and needs you to be unhappy, to be constantly reaching for something else to feel fulfilled.

Even people who claim to have your best interest at heart are playing this game.  Often your biggest fans are also your biggest haters. 

This is one of the main reasons I walked away from the “personal coaching” modality.  All the coaches I’ve seen, even the ones I personally like the best, operate from this model of unhappiness.  They sell their services from the place of “you are unhappy, you are unfulfilled, so TRANSFORM YOURSELF and you can be happy like me.”

As someone who has spent a LOT of time and money on coaching, I can tell you happiness will not be found by “changing yourself.” 

That’s actually a bold statement that runs directly against every coaching pitch I’ve seen.  So let me repeat this so it sinks in:

There is nothing you can do to “change yourself” that will transform you from an unhappy person to a happy person.  The only way you will move from unhappiness to happiness is to choose to be happy.  Everything else you do to make yourself “better” is just another form of status-seeking that won’t bring happiness. 

Now, that’s not to say happy people don’t seek to better themselves, they usually do. But there’s a big difference between improving on a happy life and trying to be happy through change. 

You don’t need anything that you don’t already have to be happy. You don’t need to improve your social standing, or performance, or anything else.  Being happy can happen for you right now.  The poorest person with the least “going for them” can be happy, and often are. 

Waiting for your haters to “come around” won’t do you any good.  Haters are gonna hate.  Consider them your reference point for unhappiness.  I have haters.  Some are people who feel hurt by things I’ve done in the past and, instead of letting it go and just being happy, have chosen to hold on to their wounds and cheer for my failure and unhappiness. 

Others are people who believed deep down that “being the best” would bring happiness and can’t understand why that isn’t working for them.  They have to constantly show how their lives are “better” than mine and expect me to feel bad.  I don’t.  I’m happy for them.  Which seems to just piss them off even more.  Which makes me a little less happy for them, since they’re obviously not happy people.

And there are a ton of people I know who aren’t haters, but they’re not happy.  They’re desperately trying to be happy, to look happy, to get by and hoping somehow this elusive happiness will find them.  That’s most people – maybe you too.  They image-craft on Facebook and Instagram, talk about their awesome life, and you get the sense they are one bad break away from a complete meltdown, they’re just barely keeping it together. 

You Don’t Need to “Do Something” to Be Happy

The “status symbol” now among first-world people is “experiences.”  How many pictures of “stuff you’re doing” around the world do you have on your social media?  How many stamps in your passport?

Those things are nice, but they aren’t a measure of happiness.

I’ve done a lot of things in my life.  I’ve had a wide variety of experiences, good and bad.  A lot. And I can tell you it’s not the “what” it’s the “how” that matters.  If you’re unhappy and taking a lot of vacations, all you do is take your unhappiness with you everywhere you go.  I know people like that – very unhappy people but they’re always going somewhere, usually trying to run away from themselves.

Conversely I know others who do very little and yet they’re very happy.  Some of the happiest people I’ve ever met are poor and never traveled out of their province, much less the country. 

I hear people say “do what you like” to be happy.  The truth is, it’s more about liking what you do.  Changing the “what” just changes the scenery around your unhappy state, but you can’t run away from you.  On the other hand, if you adopt a lifestyle of happiness, you can find good in any experience, even the most mundane. 

This is one of the lessons of Buddhism.  When you stop, slow down and meditate, you’re not “doing anything,” yet it is here one can find self-acceptance, happiness in other words.  People who meditate are happier, even though they are “doing” less than others. 

You can have a series of “adventures,” running from one thing to another, and never get much from any experience.  And you can have a handful of experiences but experience them deeply because you’re centered and not “trying to be happy.” 

Nobody Else Can Make You Happy (or Unhappy)

I had to mute all the coaches I know because their marketing is all about “hire a coach to be happy.”  Which won’t make you happy, just more likely to get sucked into their funnel and spend a LOT of money “trying” to become happy.  Unhappy people spend a lot of money trying to be happy.  First world problems.

It’s bullshit.  A coach can’t make you happy.  If you’re already happy, a coach can help, but if you’re not, you’ll likely just be unhappy with a coach.  And the harsher truth is most coaches aren’t happy.  They’re still “trying” to be happy and imagine themselves further along some “path” to happiness.
There is no pathway to happiness.  It’s a way of being.  Nobody else can give it to you or show you the “pathway,” you have to accept yourself and choose to be happy.  There’s no other way.  There’s no “graduation” to happiness.

Conversely, nobody else can make you unhappy.  Haters are gonna hate.  Whether you choose to listen is up to you.  Some people are mean.  Everyone has a bad moment.  Whether you choose to absorb those slights is entirely your choice.  Bad things happen.  Whether you choose to keep going or let them stop you is largely up to you.

I have a friend who has an anniversary for every bad thing that’s happened in their life.  And some of those bad things happened a GENERATION ago.  But this friend (who I’m considering de-friending) chooses to keep commemorating those things on the calendar and bringing the past into the present (and only the unpleasant stuff too).  I can’t even relate to this way of being, but at any rate, this is a choice to keep inflicting pain in your life.  You can let things go, even bad things.  It doesn’t mean you’re dishonoring people or disregarding past trauma, you’re just choosing to heal and focus on the here and now. 

And here and now, whatever bad thing that happened in the past is not happening now.  It’s over.  It’s not actually happening to you now.  By choosing to relive the past, you’re re-injuring yourself when you could just as easily forget it and move on without the pain.  Stop torturing yourself with your past and let it go!  Nobody is “making” you torture yourself, YOU are doing this ONLY to yourself.  Only you.

And that’s the bottom line of happiness – it all comes down to you.  It’s a choice you make in every moment.  It is a practice learning to un-learn the habits of unhappiness, but in the end it’s just a choice.  Nobody and nothing can take that choice away from you.  It’s you and only you.

Friday, March 2, 2018

My Thoughts on the Florida School Shooting - You Probably Won't Like This

My higher purpose is to further freedom and life.  The universe seeks expanded freedom.  The ego opposes freedom under the guise of safety, but it’s really about fear-based control.  Keeping this truth in mind helps to resolve many dilemmas.

It also helps maintain perspective when people present distortions.

My perspective on the social, political and media reaction to a school shooting goes through this truth.  And looking at this through that truth I can see that my original reaction – didn’t read a single news report about it and never stopped ignoring it until the social overreaction got on my nerves – was the right one.

When society goes off its nut, the best thing is not to look and to ignore it. Except when the idiocy boils over begins to run athwart of my higher purpose.  Then I have to punch back
So my take – the students brought their karma upon themselves and instead of acknowledging their own culpability and changing their abusive behavior, they have retreated into self-delusion, blame-shifting and social justice craziness. 

That part doesn’t surprise me.  Kids were jerks when I was in high school too.  At my school, the “cool kids” created a “Shy Club” whose only purpose was to shame outcasts.  Really.  They made a tee shirt with the silhouette of an unpopular kid.  The kid later jumped off a building.  And the “cool kids” couldn’t have cared less.

Later in life I learned that the parents of the bullies are always aware of what their asshole kids are doing.  Most of the time they’re actively encouraging the behavior.  And sometimes actively engaging in the bullying themselves. 

So it doesn’t surprise me a lot of the parents are joining the kids in their complete non-self-reflective, blame-someone-else, social justice railing.  Virtue signaling is a lot easier than examining one’s one virtue, admitting one’s failings and seeking to improve.  You know, being virtuous in the true sense.
It does surprise me the media and the grown-ups are largely going along with this.  Wait, actually it doesn’t.  The media and most politicians promote fear, not freedom.  They value the ego, not God.  So to see them going overboard trying to rid us of freedoms, and using a whitewashed version of a school shooting to do it, is about what I’d expect from our society. 

Which is why completely ignoring all of this news really is the best choice.  Don’t engage at all.
Except for one big problem.  Statistically students don’t get killed in school shootings.  Thousands are bullied to death.  And what is going on now is going to result in more bullying, more oppression and more death.  The students and adults are showing their true colors – they love bullying, they want to see more kids kill themselves, they think the “Shy Club Kids” are funny and outcasts deserve to die, or be locked away. 

Nobody wants to look at the real problem.  Nobody wants to examine their own karma.  Nobody cares about life or freedom.  Just ego.  All this media circus is about is protecting and worshipping ego at the expense of life and freedom.  No wonder I found it annoying.

The shooter, like a lot of these sort of high school shooters, was bullied pretty badly.  No, that doesn’t mean the students deserved to die.  That’s not how karma works.  Karma is the result of one’s thoughts and actions and has nothing to do with justice or fairness or any other misattribution we assign to karma.  “Karma is a bitch” comes closest to accurately depicting karma.  It’s the effect of the Law of Cause and Effect.  When Hiroshima was nuked, that was the residents’ karma.  That doesn’t mean dropping the bomb was right.  History strongly suggests it was the best of a lot of really bad options.  War sucks.  And the US has received its own karma for World War II, however noble its intentions were in that war. 

So when I say the students brought about their own karma, I’m not saying the shooting was justified in any way.  I am saying, in a sense, it was inevitable.  And the students who created their karma are now doubling down on their bad karma.

No, most bully victims don’t kill.  They may kill themselves.  The huge majority move on.  Very evolved people can view their tormentors as a gift and grow from the experience.  But very few “very evolved people” are evolved as teenagers or children.

I have noticed that most people who are highly evolved were bullied or otherwise mistreated during their school years.  The cool kids rarely evolve, unless something else tests them.  In that sense the kids who suffer in school can have an advantage.  But also the most damaged and destructive people as adults were mistreated as kids.  And often the line between “highly evolved adult” and “damaged adult creating havoc in the world” is dangerously thin.  Learning to let go of one’s ego is the hardest lesson a person will ever learn.  The distance between “releasing ego” and “vengeance” is short. 

Society has also created its own karma by valuing the ego, by supporting the bullies and “cool kids,” by shunning the kids who are bullied.  Society pays lip service to compassion, but in every way society celebrates human cruelty, bullying, and shunning the outcasts.  And society pays its price for this without changing its behavior. 

Which gets back to my best advice – just don’t look.  Shun media.  Shun the mainstream news. If you want to cleanse your karma, you need to cleanse yourself of society’s karma through the mass media. 
Those friends of yours who nod their heads and say the kids who get bullied “brought it upon themselves?”  Get rid of them.  Don’t argue, just cut them out completely.  And of course that goes double for parents of kids who bully – treat them like the toxic waste they are.    There’s no point in fighting, that just attaches you to their negative energy.  Avoid them entirely.

As far as gun laws and all the political BS – I don’t care.  It’s virtue-signaling BS driven by guilt, fear or greed.  Follow your heart, not your ego or the collective Ego. 

Am I being harsh?  Maybe.  Am I lacking compassion for the victims?  Yes, but I don’t know any of them.  To say I have compassion for these strangers who show up on TV would be a lie.  I love all human life, whether it’s a student in Florida, a person in Syria, or the millions who suffer and die without any fanfare all over the world. These handful in Florida are no more important than any of the others.  The media is distorting the truth of the human condition, and in doing so actually DE-valuing human life.  But I’m callous for pointing this out?  Fuck that.  It’s media BS and as personally relevant to me as a dog barking in Kenya.

Human life is all around.  The media distorts it and dehumanizes it.  You want compassion, turn off the TV, get off the Internet, and go outside.  There it is.  Feel into your heart for the truth. And the truth is, in the larger picture of human life, what happened in Florida is a tiny crevice on a small grain of sand on the infinite scale of life.  Your life and mine are utterly meaningless to the universe.  That’s the truth. You want to really be connected to life?  Stop distorting it, stop listening to your ego, and listen to your heart. 

And I guarantee your heart doesn’t have one word to say about some high school in Florida, unless you happen to live there or have family there.  And when you get to the heart of the matter, neither do I.

Virtue Signaling on - a Cover for a Black Heart

I am so tired of virtue-signaling douchebags patting themselves on the back for publicly committing to doing the right thing.

I’m not going to give the douchebag in question the extra publicity of naming him, but needless to say he’s been a self-congratulatory asshole his whole life.  And that includes his behavior toward women.

So now he’s publicly circulating a petition asking men to public affirm that they will commit to doing the right thing.  And giving himself attention for doing it.

And other men I have respected are fucking falling for this bullshit PR tactic.

Guys, this isn’t “evolution.”  It’s nothing but self-serving PR bullshit.  To serve an asshole who doesn’t deserve it.

Don’t sign any petition.  ESPECIALLY one calling on you to “publicly commit” to doing something you already know is the obviously right thing to do.  Because the people circulating these BS petitions are just USING you for their own gain.

I lost respect for this douchebag a long time ago.  And I’m losing a lot of respect for his fans going along with this crap, including a certain former coach whose drifting further and further away from my truth and mission.

Fuck  Fuck this guy.  Fuck the people supporting this guy. 

You do the right thing because it’s the right thing and you’re aligned with goodness.  If you have a moral compass, you don’t need to sign some stupid petition, and you certainly wouldn’t create one.  And this asshole has a very broken moral compass, so it’s no surprise he’s doing what he’s doing.  

Because his heart is black and he needs to constantly remind himself to at least prove to people he’s trying to be good.  Because he can’t actually be good.  Because at his core, he isn’t.  Kind of like his whole community. 

I’m starting to wonder if it’s enough to distance myself from these coaching communities.  I may need to go a step further.  This is very troubling.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pee On Your Feet - At The Gym!

One of the best ways to kill foot fungus is to pee on your feet.  It works well in the shower, the urine kills the fungus on the feet and on the floor, and the water rinses everything away.  No muss no fuss.
In the gym, you can try wearing flip flops in the shower, but they don’t help.  The fungus can still get to your feet.  And worse, you now have to deal with damp flip flops that are a home to all kinds of festering bad stuff.  The better option is to do what you would do at home – pee in the shower.  It kills all the bugs on your feet and the shower floor, and then goes down the drain.

Yeah, some will say “that’s gross!”  Actually it’s very sanitary.  And unlike other sanitizers, it isn’t a poison to your skin.  What’s gross is that non-sanitized shower and your water-logged flip flops from Vietnam.  What’s growing under your feet, and in your gym bag, is probably lethal.  While if you pee in the shower and let the water rinse it away, there’s zero residue, just a much less infected shower.

The biggest problem shouldn’t be your hang-ups but dealing with others’ hang-ups.  “Oh, that’s so inconsiderate!  What if everyone did that?”  I wish!  If everyone peed in the shower, the companies that make bogus fungus treatment medicines would go out of business and we’d have regularly sanitized showers.  And nobody would be carrying around foot fungus at the gym – it would be a nice world. 

We’d also have a lot less urine puddles around and under the men’s urinals.  Because, while to some, peeing on the floor in a shower that rinses to the sewer is disgusting, peeing on the floor in a bathroom that never gets rinsed is okay. 

After weeks of regular urination, guess which place smells like urine – the shower or the urinal area?
Oh, and you can try a little experiment.  For one month, pee in the shower.  For the other, don’t.  Do shower cleaning on the same regular basis and note which month has a higher buildup of that pink algae that shows up in your shower.  Urine kills that stuff (it’ll still appear, but much less).  Bath soap and shampoo doesn’t (which means they’re also doing nothing to kill the algae on your feet).

Yah, but you should totally feel bad about doing something natural and proactive to kill foot fungus while actually leaving the gym shower and bathroom area CLEANER for doing it.  Totally.  YOU’RE inconsiderate, not the morons who can’t pee into a urinal when they’re LITERALLY STANDING OVER IT! (How the fuck can you NOT hit the bowl in that situation?)

And by the way, I should add that years of house cleaning while sharing places with different women has taught me that women “miss” too.  But this isn’t about potty training for grown-ups, it’s about explaining why something that SEEMS “gross” is actually more healthy and sanitary than the other options.

Because I GUARANTEE after I post this, despite the logical, factual argument I make that this is a safer and healthier alternative, people will STILL say I’m being crazy or controversial.