Saturday, April 8, 2017

What is #californiaspirituality?

I had little Twitter-burst about #californispirituality and some of you might be wondering what I’m talking about.   
I’m not talking about spirituality.  #californiaspirituality has nothing to do with spiritual connection or living a more holy life.  It is a social and psychological dysfunction that has its genesis in the San Francisco Bay Area but has metastasized in communities throughout the US and the world.  It is right now the biggest threat to true spiritual growth and energetic evolution, because many people in this community are both extremely gifted energetically and hopelessly deluded in the head.
#californiaspirituality is the unholy alliance of raw spiritual gifts with American leftist political, social and economic dogma, and all the spiritual, emotional and physical wounds and illnesses that go along with this. 
Unfortunately, probably 90% of the “spiritual” community in the US subscribes to this false belief that spirituality and dysfunctional political and social dogma are intertwined, and the result is nothing short of disaster on a spiritual level.  And now it is reaching crisis level on the physical level.
A rational, independent-minded person wouldn’t have to be told that drugs are not spiritual and that spiritual connection is not obtained through external or artificial methods.  One would think a group of people who eschew anything artificial in their diet would be the first to avoid drugs produced artificially in labs with God-only-knows what standards from God-only-knows where.  And that said people would avoid putting essential oils directly on their skin.  But such is the psychosis of #californiaspirituality.
#californiaspirituality seems to be 50% about sex, 30% about drugs and 20% about arrogance.  Feeling superior to others, and communicating that superiority in the most annoying ways possible, is a critical element of this “tribe.”  (Really, calling this group of idiots a “tribe” is an insult to every tribal system ever created in the history of the universe.)
#californiaspirituality is obsessed with sex.  Dropping trou, letting your tits hang out, dressing up like rejects from the “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” pole dancing, being overtly sexual with someone you met just then, Tantra this, Tantra that, telling everyone how sexual you are, telling everyone how awesome you are in bed, writing a sex manual, being a sex coach, and calling yourself a sexual healer seems to be pretty much all this group does.  You’d think they’d get bored with this schtick after a couple years (I’m bored just writing about it), but they’ll stay this way for *years.*
Along with the weird obsession with sex, #californiaspirituality is heavily into drugs. #californiaspirituality will tell you cannabis is spiritual.  Period.  And FUCK YOU for JUDGING ME!  SERIOUSLY!  IT’S FUCKING LEGAL!!!  I’M FUCKING SPIRITUAL, STOP JUDGING ME YOU FUCKING PRUDE!!
Yah, no drug problem there.
They load up on EVERYTHING and imagine that they’ve found clarity in their addled state.  Then they post all the verbose, boring, nonsensical shit that comes out of their ass when they’re high as fuck on their “spiritual medicine,” and apparently others fucking READ this shit and reply with their own fucking pot novels.
Ick.  And unbelievably annoying.  And really ick.
So that’s 80% of #californiaspirituality.  The other 20% is an obsessive need to show how much better they are than everyone else.  Cuz nothing says awesome like a broke-ass guy in his forties, whom Children Services won’t let see his kids, writing a pot novel on Facebook about how his sex life is the envy of everyone.  (Dude, NOBODY fucking cares.  Including your partners.)
A lot of these people feel the need to “make an offering to the world” in the form of yet another “look at me” sex manual, so we can all be as awesome as you.  Then they wonder why nobody is buying their fucking book.  (Can you say “LOSER??”)
It’s obvious to everyone observing that isn’t drinking the kool aid or high on whatever is handy that the smugness and self-congratulatory behavior is a cry for help.  Every time I see a “I’m so great, I’m such a great lover, I’m so evolved, please look at me” post, I feel sad.  I want to give the poor soul a hug and tell them it’s going to be okay, refer them to a good therapist.  Because they’re clearly hurting a lot.  Healthy people don’t act and behave like that, they just don’t.
Oh #californiaspirituality HATES the word “normal,” they conflate it with their ideological dogma and think “normal” and “therapy” are tools of Evil Capitalist Devil.  So I have to do end arounds their blocks – HEALTHY people (which is really what “normal” means, the vast majority of people who are psychologically and social well-adjusted and can function in society with other humans) don’t obsess over sex.  They don’t spend all day posting pot novels on Facebook.  They don’t feel an overwhelming need to write a sex manual because their partner had a good time with them (WTF??). 
Healthy people aren’t arrogant, because they’re well-adjusted.  Maybe they had wounds, but they got over their shit and they aren’t tooting their own horn all the time.  They know drugs won’t get you to God unless you OD.  And that’s NOT a good thing.
#californiaspirituality looks down its noses at healthy people – they think they’re unhappy.  Because #californiaspirituality is unhappy.  Really unhappy.  And they think that’s just normal.  It isn’t.  The unhappiness, dysfunction, emotional wounds, unemployment, underemployment, financial distress, marital distress, issues with the law and children’s services that people in #californiaspirituality deal with is FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR out of proportion with what those poor “normal” people deal with (which is damn little, to be honest – NORMAL people don’t have their kids taken away or go to jail for prostitution or drug dealing, they just don’t.  That’s what FUCKED UP people do!  The jails are full of them.)
The level of depression in #californiaspirituality is off the fucking charts.  I have a lot of friends, most “normal,” but many in this spiritual community.  ONLY in the spiritual community do I see “adrenal fatigue,” or “doxing issues,” or “Mercury Retrograde” excuses for SEVERE depression issues, or “trauma memories,” or any of this other bullshit.  “Normal people” have problems.  I have dear friends who have been raped.  “Normal” friends heal and move on.  #californiaspirituality people make it a fucking LIFESTYLE.
Then what?  Well, let’s see, a group of people with a high level os psychological dysfunction and an aversion to therapy that is into sex and drugs – WHAT COULD GO WRONG??  Well, for starters, everything.  Rape in this community is more common than having a full-time paying job.  So is suicide.  So is tragic death.  So the end game of #californiaspirituality is a crappy, unhappy life full of self-delusion that more likely than not ends in a tragic, early death.
In other words, it’s completely fucked up.
And I have more bad news.  The powers that are elevating the energy of Earth are not patient.  They really don’t care about the issues of this community, and they have zero tolerance for the drugs and ideological dogma.  While I don’t like seeing basically good but very misguided people suffer and die, the higher powers are very indifferent to that scenario and would be perfectly fine with the whole community dying off to make way for the growth that needs to come, burn off the weeds and plant healthy new souls. 
I feel bad.  Most of these people were raised in this environment.  Their parents were hippies and beatnicks from San Francisco and brainwashed them.  They know no other way.  They really didn’t ask for this, but not it’s their karma, and it sucks.  But at this point I don’t know what else I can do except hold up a mirror, hope some people are seeing what’s reflected, and do my best to ensure no others get sucked into that mess.  I’ll continue speaking up but honestly I feel I’m pissing into the wind. 
Not all my posts are cheery.  Sorry.

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