Friday, September 15, 2023

Society Really Is Going to Hell


Society really has, in a literal sense, gone to hell over the past 20 years.  This has become particularly so in this current decade.  Every aspect of society has devolved at an accelerating rate, to the point where open Luciferian agreements are more than norm than the exception.

Politics doesn’t guide society, it “flows up” from society.  So as society rots, we see the rot manifesting in politics. 

At this point, on any fundamental matter, America’s major political parties are indistinguishable.  On one “side” you have the progressives who favor big, oppressive government, hero worship, the stripping of personal rights, forced medical experimentation, command-and-control economics, and societal passivity.  They basically want everyone stoned, wasting time on social media, mindlessly conforming and ignoring everyone and everything going on around them.  They want people sad, bored and helpless.

On the other “side” you have “MAGA Conservatives” who also favor big, oppressive government, so long as it’s pointed at the progressives and not them, and it keeps sending them checks every month.  They also support hero worship and demand loyalty to their leader, even though he has done nothing to actually improve their lives.  They favor the stripping of personal rights, forced medical experimentation, crony capitalism (with slightly lower taxes and higher debt, just shifting the costs to the other side of the ledger), and societal rage.  They want everyone angry, wasting time on social media, wasting their energy on the latest emotional boogeyman to keep them angry and distracted. They encourage poor choices with money, such as crypto scams and stockpiling gold.  They want a society that’s angry, easily distracted, running around in circles and too tired to stop and see what’s really going on.

In the end, while both “sides” hate the other, they really need each other.  A jackboot works best as a pair.  You have the one who stomps from the left, the other from the right, and society just gets worse and worse.  We get angrier, more stupid, more conformist, more passive, more stoned, more drunk, more addicted to social media and the latest adrenaline rush from whatever false flag is put up to make us angry/scared/depressed or some other disempowered emotion.

You’ll notice each side wants a population that is some level of powerless and unhappy.  Which conveniently is also want sellers of goods and services want, because unhappy people buy more things, take on more debt, and make poorer financial decisions.   A disempowered society is more profitable for the sellers, whether they be in politics or business.

So you see, MAGA and the progressives need each other, to serve their ultimate benefactor – Lucifer.  One side talks about “safety,” which is a code word for encouraging weakness.  The other talks about “freedom,” which is a code word for “disempowered.”  Because a truly free person doesn’t look to the political process to grant him or her freedom, they cultivate their own power and just take it as their birthright.

Talking about “freedom” is treating it as some external thing.  That’s like saying God is “out there” and you need to “find God.”  Well, that’s pretty convenient if you’re trying to manipulate people.  If people understood God and freedom are already here and the only deprivation is when we choose to give them up, well then the powers that be lose all their power.

People gain power by convincing others to give up God and freedom (and freedom really is connection to God, so it’s all God).  They do this by either convincing people that God and their personal power doesn’t exist (the “leftist model”) or that “bad people” are standing in the way of your connection to God and you need “government savior” to defeat them and restore your connection to God.

Both of these models are complete bullshit.  They are false.  The only person depriving you of a connection to God is you.  And if you’re disconnected from God, it’s because you’re allowing yourself to put society – what others think, their conditional approval – above God.  If you’re denying God, you’re doing so because you value “conforming to society” and the approval of others who have chosen Lucifer over God.  If you’re believing a false story that “someone else” or “something else” is standing between you and God, then you’re placing your value in your emotions – mostly anger – and not God.

None of our problems are going to be solved through the political process, that’s just digging a deeper and deeper hole.  The idea that switching from the left boot to the right boot or vice-versa will bring you closer to God (or help you let go of that feeling of disconnection from God) is ludicrous.  It’s the same mentality as the drug addict who things “one more hit” will get them closer to recovery.

The whole system is irreparable because the whole system is in agreement with Lucifer, not God.  It’s easy to see if you look.  Notice how things like drug addiction, adultery, embezzlement, bribery, lying, cheating, bearing false witness, revenge and all the other evil things that take us away from God are prevalent throughout politics.  It’s in both parties. In fact, it’s gone from being tolerated to being celebrated.  Both sides celebrate the accumulation of not just unsustainable levels of debt, but astronomically unsustainable levels.

And for what?  What do we have to show for this?  Can you point to even one government service that isn’t basically a transfer of money from one set of people to another, that accomplishes anything good?  It seems to be an argument between people who want to waste money and lives on war and people who want to waste money and time on magical thinking that accomplishes nothing.  Wind farms, solar farms, electric cars – doing nothing to reduce carbon or the world temperature.  In fact, it’s only gotten worse – the solutions are likely worsening the situation, either by accident or more likely design.

So would we be better off if we just shut down the government entirely, sent every legislator home to go pick up trash on the road, and had no government, or very very little government? People say “oh, the planes wouldn’t fly,” but do you realize how miniscule the FAA is and how incredibly easy it would be to turn that into a non-government agency supported by those who fly airplanes?  All the things they say we “can’t live without” fit into less than 5% of the budget.  The rest is either money transfers (which could be automated or privatized), wars (which we don’t need), or other crap we don’t need.

What about the roads?  States already build them.  What about schools?  Again, states.  What about trade agreements? Importers and exporters could cover that easily.  What about the FBI and CIA?  Yeah, what WOULD we do with out them…

The only people who suffer from a government shutdown are politicians, bureaucrats, and the industry supporting them, including Washington media.  Of course they’ll complain.  But was anyone’s life changed when the writers and actors went on strike?  No, not really.  Nobody in the real world will notice, and once people are weaned off their addiction to the horse race of politics, people will be better off.

At some point, we need a major crisis where people have no choice but to realize that the only thing separating them from God is themselves.  And I sense that crisis is coming much sooner than anyone could have thought. This decade really is going to hell in a handbasket.  More like a hypersonic rocket going faster and faster with every mile.

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