Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Some Basic "Spiritual Ground Rules"

Some people might be confused by my Twitter posts.  I like to troll.  Not mean-spirited trolling, just adding to the silliness of the “news” that’s out there.

Truth is, politics doesn’t bother me.  It’s amusing, it’s annoying, but it’s largely irrelevant from my daily life and completely irrelevant from my higher purpose.  All this “discussion” about feminism, #metoo, Black Lives Matter, it’s all just mindless entertainment.  None of it matters in the higher scheme of things.

That being said, I sometimes feel the need to put warning labels out there, lest people who follow me get the wrong impression or drink the poison.  So let me put this out there clearly – ego-based stuff only leads to problems.  You cannot resolve your ego problems with more ego, they can only be resolved at a higher energy source.

In other words, arguing over politics and pointless social theories will not bring you an ounce of happiness, much less guide you to your higher purpose.

There.  You’ve been warned.

For me this is such an essential element of my life that I forget this is a truth where few people live. And thus my Tweets could be dangerously misleading instead of mindless entertainment or education-through-shock-value.  I engage in political debate as a social exercise.  Yes, I have opinions.  No, they don’t mean anything, but sometimes they can be a way to connect and interact with people I would not otherwise meet.  Which can be interesting, or at least diverting.

It’s not who I am.  It’s not my mission.

In fact, I’ve made a point of disavowing “self-help leaders” who have strayed from spiritual truth into the ego of politics and social controversies.  Destin Gerek used to be one of the most embodied, spiritually-based “self-help” people I knew.  Deep down I believe he still is.  But there’s no denying his public message and coaching modality has shifted into the ego-based.  He sees the media and claims these are real problems – he’s internalizing things that aren’t his to internalize.  He’s engaging in very base ego-based argument and social media mob stuff.

That isn’t embodied growth.  It’s ego-based bullshit. It wouldn’t matter if it was just My Buddy Destin, one of many guys who say some things I agree and disagree with.  But in the past he’s helped men to resolve their ego-based problems with identity and connection at a higher level – which is why I supported him.  Now, he’s lost in the ego stuff and I have to wait for him to either come back to the higher level or not on his own time.

This is one example.  It seems the election of Donald Trump has thrown many people who were struggling to operate above the ego right back into the pit of egoic patterns.  This is what happens when catalysts come along – people who have weak spiritual grounding come crashing down.
But I’ve gone on and on enough about people who are falling or the chaos caused by the increase in the vibrational energy (of which Trump is just a symptom).  I want to step back and set out some basic truths, the basic warnings and guideposts you need to get through all this.  Then maybe you’ll understand where my silly Tweets and political trolling posts come from.  And more importantly, where you need to be going in all this.

Bottom line, the essence of our spiritual journey is a simple question:  Am I serving Source, or Self?

That’s basically it.  Eckart Tolle talks about dissolving Ego to get rid of pain and feel better.  Because, from a spiritual standing, Tolle is full of shit.  This isn’t about “feeling better,” that’s an ego-based outcome.

So let me back up and give you another fundamental foundational truth:

Your problems can only be resolved at levels above the problem.

What this means is all your ego-based problems cannot be resolved through more ego.  You can’t argue your way out of your problems, or analyze your way out, or self-pleasure your way out.  More money, more things, more ego-based connections, more pleasurable diversions, these will not resolve the fundamental sufferings of the ego.  They’ll only add to them.

However, Tolle is right in that letting go of the ego from a higher level WILL resolve the ego problems.  But doing so to simply “get rid of suffering” will only bring you right back into suffering.  “YAY, my ego is dissolved – OH CRAP! It came back.”  And you’ll be on that up-and-down ride forever.

Another foundational truth:  

People who are on their spiritual path are fundamentally happy, precisely because they are pursuing something above the level of happiness.  

Happiness is not joy, it’s not a state of being, it’s a lifestyle choice.  It comes when one has moved past ego-based living and is living at a higher level.  And at that level, happiness comes naturally.

If all you care about is pursuing joy through experiences, you will find some joy and long periods of longing for joy.  That’s ego.  If you are dead-set on avoiding pain, you’ll experience some non-pain and long periods of pain.  This is how desire works.  The absence of ego means the absence of that kind of desire.  You’ll still experience joy, pain, pleasure, sadness and everything in between, but without the judgment or longing for things to be a certain way.  You accept your temporal states of being as such in the present moment, and can do so with an underlying sense of calm and higher purpose.  And that underlying sense is what I refer to as “happiness.”

Happiness is really just a higher state of living, above the ego state.  It’s a requirement for those on serious spiritual paths.  You’ll notice all the more evolved spiritual people are naturally happy, even in their suffering.  Because they’re living outside their ego.

From this place, ego-based arguments and such (everything on Twitter) is irrelevant to one’s life.  The news media means nothing.  Politics – meh.  It’s entertainment, it’s a diversion. It’s annoying at times.  It also is an access point to see the truer nature of people it serves to “unmask” people who hide under masks.

And that hiding under masks is something a lot of coaches do.  I don’t mean to pick on Destin, but seeing him fall back into ego patterns has me question whether his “higher coaching self” was just a mask that I bought into so heavily I made it a reality for me.  I don’t think so, but time will tell.
The thing is, wherever you are in your spiritual journey, the ego is still going to snare you from time to time.  Sometimes I feel tired and stressed.  Sometimes I feel lonely.  Sometimes I feel angry, or sick, or experience physical pain.  Sometimes I’m enjoying sensory experiences and lose presence.  Sometimes I fall into habit or argue or whatever.  We all do. 

The difference for me is I’ve trained myself to operate at higher levels.  So I know how to get myself back there.  I catch myself and can do things to realign my energy.  But I’ve had years and years of training and practice at pretty high levels – something most people haven’t had.

That’s not me being prideful, it’s just the reality.  An untrained person seeking spiritual development might find some of the things I say and do to be downright unhelpful or dangerous.  So again, always go back to the basic question: “Am I serving Source or Self?”  

Also learn muscle testing or pendulum testing to ascertain the higher truth of things. 

Never take anyone’s word on things ever.  Because even the most well-meaning people operating at the highest levels slip up, and you don’t want to get snagged in their net.

I’ve pointed out a lot of the BS out there, and I’ll continue to do so.  Consider this the very basic ground rules for spiritual development. And keep in mind your service to Source is going to look far different than mine or anyone else’s.  (Take a gander at Etienne’s blog and what he’s being called to do – it’s pretty “out there” compared to what most of us are being asked to do.)  I think it’s important to keep in mind, as much BS as I point out, there’s plenty of it right here coming from me or anyone else. 

In the immortal words of Bob Dylan, “Don’t follow leaders.”  

If you’re serious about spiritual development, you need to step up and be your own spiritual leader or you’ll end up back in the bucket with the other crabs “searching” for the rest of your life, and who knows how many lives after that.

Hope this helps, and don’t take my Tweets too seriously.  I don’t.

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