Friday, February 15, 2019

Fake News, The Cabal Collapse and the Energetic Tipping Point

The Cabal is crumbling. The mainstream news media is being exposed daily for fraudulent, deceitful and outright made-up reporting.  The Western leftists are going crazy and exposing their true agenda, as well as the lies behind this agenda.  The meltdown of the Cabal, the media and the leftists is accelerating.

In other words, the energetic elevation of Planet Earth is going along nicely and according to plan.
For those of you who have been following this, the current realignment and collapse of the Cabal and the leftists makes sense.  Those opposed to freedom and engaged in deceit and manipulation cannot survive as the energetic frequency of the planet rises. First, their energetic structures will collapse; then their outward expression will devolve; and finally, they disappear completely, either converted into higher-frequency energies or fall completely by the wayside. 

So let’s look at what’s going on.

The whole “Trump-Russia collusion” story was made up from the beginning.  Now the motives of the Cabal agents behind the false charges are coming to light.  There was in fact an attempted coup in May 2017. There were two other attempted coups that have yet to be reported.  The media has been spinning lies nonstop to try and delegitimize Trump and keep the Cabal alive.

But the energetic structure supporting the Cabal (which includes the media) is gone, so their lies are being exposed. The outright media lies are becoming more brazen and easily refuted.  They got so desperate as to smear Covington High School students – and were exposed for lying almost right away. They tried to cover for the Virginia governor’s support of death (I’ll get to that later).  There was also this bizarre fake story involving Jussie Smollett that turned out to be a hoax – he staged a fake hate crime and tried to blame it on Trump.  All this is on top of the daily lies about Trump supposedly colluding with Russia. 

At this point the mainstream news media is dead.  Nobody has any faith in the media anymore.  It’s to the point that “I heard it on CNN” is shorthand for “I heard a rumor that’s probably not true.” Those aligned with the Cabal are completely detached from what is accurate and true.

Truth, freedom and life are intertwined.  Those not aligned with the higher energies are now taking a strong stand against these things and exposing their true colors.  New York leftists celebrated passing a bill that basically legalizes murder of babies.  Virginia leftists tried to do the same thing and their governor nonchalantly explained why he didn’t think infanticide was a big deal – and the media agreed.  Again, those who are not aligned with life cannot fathom why killing would be a big problem. 

Instead, the governor got embroiled in some crazy story about him wearing blackface or a KKK hood – and not being able to remember which it was (which can only mean he wore both at one time or another), then claimed he didn’t, and no claims he’s a champion of civil rights.  The lieutenant governor is accused of rape and another official admits to wearing blackface.

I grew up in the 1980s.  Blackface and KKK robes were NOT a thing.  In fact, that shit was considered very uncool then. Even in the 60s normal people didn’t do that crap.  Apparently the news media wants us all to believe an alternate reality about the 1980s.  But then again, when you spend all day telling us Trump colluded with the Russians, what’s the big deal about an alternate reality where everyone in the 80s was wearing blackface and KKK robes?

Nobody is buying these lies except the people who need to, because their lives depend on the survival of the Cabal.

And that brings us to the “Green New Deal,” juxtaposed with the collapse of the socialists in Venezuela.  The rising energetic vibration is destroying socialism right down to its core, and you can see this in what is going on in places like Venezuela.  Meanwhile crazy people tried to promote that socialism under the guise of “saving the planet” (the planet in fact doesn’t need saving, it’s just fine, thank you).  Then they tried to run away from it.  Then the media tried to cover their tracks.
Meanwhile, leftists go crazy over pictures like this: 

And nobody believes any of what the media is doing.  So why did they do it?

Good question.  Pendulum testing confirms it’s a symptom of their deepening insanity – they’re now living in a delusion that believes the planet is collapsing ecologically, that Trump is colluding with Russia, that socialism is functional at any level, that the media is telling the truth and that the Cabal is in control.  Basically they’ve invented an alternate reality bubble and they’ve put themselves inside and they’re telling themselves it’ll be okay.

The earth will be okay.  It is okay.  It was never in danger.  The environmental false flags were put there specifically to distract and confine the opposing forces while the archangels set up the grid and began the process of elevating the frequency of the earth.  Now that this is in place and inevitable, there’s no need for the false flags (thus the rapid cooling of the earth, the continuation of process that was intentionally bypassed), and there’s no need to worry about the Cabal or other forces opposed to the ascension process.

So now, again according to plan, the lies are exposed, the liars are revealed, those opposed to life are forced into indefensible positions and karmic justice, and the Cabal and its supporters lurch into insanity and eventual death.  Yah, I was a little vague before – the planet is perfectly fine, but those on the side of the Cabal will not survive the process.  They’re already manifesting signs of insanity. 

It’s not yet time to rejoice, but we have reached the tipping point.  The energies are moving inexorably in our favor.

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