Thursday, October 11, 2018

The "Kavanaugh Ascension" and The Future of Masculinity

I’m still processing the energies from the Kavanaugh hearings, confirmation and after-effects.  This was a huge energetic tipping point and directly tied to the Ascension.  It’s far bigger than a political event.

I sense that’s why there was such a level of anger, fury, desperation and resistance from the corrupt progressive elements.  The Cabal is finally aware they are dying, that their power is slipping away and not coming back.  Progressive ideology in its current incarnation (the ties to Marxism, collectivism and repression of freedoms and thought expression) is on the downward side of the tipping point, and that tipping point was the Kavanaugh confirmation.

What we saw was the natural forces for freedom and truth that had been dormant wake up and fight back against the hysteria of feminists, cultural and economic Marxists, most of the news media and the forces of corruption and repression.  The largely silent and dormant forces were woken out of their slumber, both by the awakening energies and the shock of seeing the progressive agenda on full display.

What the progressives tried to do with Brett Kavanaugh is what they’ve been doing to people for a long time.  They’ve bullied social media, they’ve corrupted companies like Facebook and Google, they’ve corrupted the judicial process, they’ve corrupted universities.  They care only about power and control – they don’t care about life (thus the hysterical attachment to abortion), they hate God in any form, they despise truth and real Ascension (thus their hilarious hijacking of the term “woke,” even though they’re trying to force people to sleep), they despise concepts like due process and innocent until proven guilty.  They hate everything on the side of truth.  But people had a hard time seeing this until the full ugliness came out.

The cries and moans and insane depression at Kavanaugh’s confirmation is the progressives’ realization their ideology is in its death throes, and it’s never coming back.  Young people who initially embraced the ideology are rejecting it in droves.  They won’t be able to resurrect their agenda through judicial imposition.  They’ll fight – they might still win some elections – but deep down they know now what many of us have known for a while now :: the Cabal is energetically dead.
That’s not to say it isn’t still dangerous.  If you cut a rattlesnake in half it’ll die, but it can still strike.  

The dying forces can and will do a lot of damage on their way out.  Their actions will become more desperate, more violent and destructive until the life fully goes out.  So things are far from stable, but the trend is irreversible. 

That’s the situation as it stands.  But what specifically do I have to offer in the middle of all this?
And what comes to me is I have exactly that – the middle.

So I want to talk about a “middle way” for masculine development. 

There’s a lot of talk about the evolution of male-female dynamics.  I can’t really offer advice on the feminine side, except to say there is a “middle way” for women as well, but I’ll leave it to others to find that truth. (I have opinions and preferences, but they’re just that, and the world is full of opinions.)

I’m noticing more and more men who are consciously taking their development into their own hands.  Men who sense that their lives are not up to fate, but up to them.  Men who are not satisfied with how they are showing up and with their place in the world.

Men are sensing that society isn’t helping them develop their masculine core.  In fact, it’s dulling and weakening their masculine edge, and these men want more.  They want to find their strong, confident, bold embodiment and expression.

I’m also noticing there really aren’t good places for these men to go. 

There’s the gym and various physical “warrior training” modalities.  That’s okay at one level, but we all see the “gym guys” or “MMA guys” and they’re… off.  Something’s missing. 

Then there’s the PUA arena.  They help train men to be more successful at dating women.  The problem?  They don’t succeed at a very high level.  While pretty much 100% of men who go regularly to the gym or physical training modalities will see real success, the success rate for PUA training is considerably lower – around 25% - and more expensive. 

Granted, some of this is due to men not really trying to change their lot in life, but just dabbling.  But there are other problems too.  The entire industry is based on fear, anger and lack.  If not for a large supply of weak men with low self-esteem (who are also pretty desperate and not to discerning), the industry would die. But the industry is not interested in making men into, well, men.  It’s interested in making weak men into somewhat more attractive weak men.  (It’s all about the “funnel,” which is the opposite of upleveling one’s life.)

If you look at the conversations, the attitudes toward women are either adversarial, some form of frustrated anger, or detachment – they’re a means to an end.  And the end is usually social validation from other weak, angry, desperate men in the community.  Frustrated anger is not a healthy masculine edge.  Frustrated anger and the ability to attract women isn’t any better in the long run.
Throw on top of that a good physique built from the gym and you begin to see why a lot of men who are “successful PUAs” are kind of fucked up in life.  You’ve spent years developing your masculine body, and years more learning to get laid, only to find out you’re the same pathetic, weak loser guy you’ve always been, now with nowhere left to go.

Then there’s the, for lack of a better term, “wussy PUA.”  I got sucked into this branch myself pretty hard.  It sounds good – PUA is just about scoring, *WE* are about developing the WHOLE MAN.

Except it isn’t.

It’s about retaining the extreme feminist and cultural Marxist ideology.  There’s a lot of yoga and meditation and “non-judgment” in these modalities.  There’s a lot of talk about embodiment and “valuing women” and “real connection.”  They TALK about healthy masculine, but the funny thing is, you look around in these groups and there is none.

There’s a lot of soft men who feel at some level they need the approval of women – they need women to sign off on what they’re doing.  “Is it okay if we do this?”  “Please, women, tell us men what we’re doing wrong and what you want us to do.”  They talk about patriarchy and “toxic masculinity.”  They’re really big on pointing out what “average men” are doing wrong.  And the other message is “average men” are wrong.

There’s a lot of focus on embodiment and “owning your feelings,” instead of repressing them.  As long as those emotions are nice things like crying a lot and being weak, needy and vulnerable.  Yes, those are real emotions.  But so is anger.  So is aggression. 

There are many other issues with the “wussy PUA” modality.  Yes, it is possible to be weak and supplicating to women and be quite successful in dating.  These modalities seem to be curiously modeled after the cults of years past.  There’s a lot of reference to Osho – a Satanic cult leader and felon.  There’s a lot of approval of prostitution as positive self-expression and support for prostitution cults that are busted by the police.  There’s a LOT of approval of drug use.  In fact, good luck finding ANYONE in that modality who advocates against the use of marijuana or any other drugs. 

Nudism, polygamy, celebration of indiscriminate sexual connections under the guise of “opposing slut-shaming,” a general disapproval of jobs that actually pay the bills, a visceral opposition to the “nuclear family” and any organized religion that might cause people to question their selfish behavior.

You can bet that “getting a tattoo” will be part of the “ritual of masculinity.”  But you know what won’t be part of that “ritual?”  Actually becoming a man – a man with an edge, a man with a sense of responsibility, a man who doesn’t ask women if he’s being a man in an acceptable way.  There’s lots of yoga and Tantra and “getting in touch with your feelings” crap from the 60s hippie cults.  It’s marshmallow masculinity.

So men can be gym rats, angry bitter “red-pill” PUAs, wussy feminist yogas, or….

I called it “Middle Way,” but now that I think about it, it’s more “other way.”  Basically, don’t buy any of that crap.  They’re all trying to guide men under this failed cultural umbrella.  I look at other cultures and there’s a natural way.  And it can be developed.

The cultures where masculinity is strong men embrace their masculine polarity.  They’re MEN.  Not anti-women, not supplicating wussbags, but actual MEN standing in their own right. 

And in these cultures, not everything about men is met with approval by women.  And that’s the way it should be.  Men aren’t here to answer to women.  And despite the rhetoric, we all know women sure as heck don’t answer to men.  Women are intuitive and flexible and will RESPOND to men, but women do – and have always done – what they want in the end.

All this whining about “patriarchy” and “oppression” is BS.  It’s a lie.  Every household tells the truth – nobody’s telling women what to do.  If anything, it’s completely the other way around. The whining about “patriarchy” is a grasp for POLITICAL POWER and cultural hegemony.  Feminism is one big fat lie that will get men nowhere in life.  It’s BS worthless university professors pass around to justify having a job they know deep down inside is 100% useless.  They’re frauds, scared to death the world will figure out they are such and force them to get real jobs.  That’s why they scream so loud, to drown out the honest questions both from outside and in their own mind.

Natural masculinity embraces the polarity.  It has an edge.  It is naturally dominant.  It values competition and yes, fighting.  It values strength, courage, personal responsibility and protecting others. It cares for women, it doesn’t kowtow to women. It protects and provides.  And it elicits very strong, powerful, positive reactions from women.  It encourages women to embrace their natural polarity. 

In societies where men are naturally masculine, men and women are partners, not rivals.  Men also aren’t afraid of women.  Men stand in their own space and know their own worth.  Female disapproval is kind of a Western construct, but reality is different.

Yes, natural masculinity comes off a bit “macho.”  That’s a good thing, it’s self-esteem.  It’s not being afraid of your own strength and worth. Does it sometimes go overboard?  Yes.  Humans are imperfect. But at its essence it is strength and confidence at its core, and a healthy pride in being a man. Men – older men – are looked up to and admired. They’re an inspiration to boys growing up.  Fatherhood is highly valued and respected. 

Natural masculinity is not afraid to express desire for women, because he knows he is desirable.  He doesn’t “tone it down” or worry about offending her by being himself.  PUA – what’s that?  Yoga?  Get that shit out of here. 

Western men who travel around the world find that naturally masculine men tend to look down on them.  It’s not jealousy, it’s not “white privilege” or any of that BS.  They can sense most Western men aren’t “intact.”  Most Western men are weak and have disavowed their masculinity, or replaced it with a weird, disembodied form of angry aggression.  And naturally masculine men sense this and have no respect for this weakness. 

Something about the modern Western culture disconnects men.  Some of it is the overreliance on thinking and ego – a lack of embodiment.  Some is Western society’s constant attack on boys and men.  Some is Western society’s embrace of cultural Marxism and this bizarre concept of “equality,” which is the opposite of natural polarity.  A lot of it is just a Western society that’s too damn stressed and unhappy about everything.

I’ve said Natural Grounding won’t help much in dating by itself.  But it can serve as a valuable reference point for men to find that natural masculine center.  It takes more than videos, but it’s a start.  Energetic cleansing and attuning can help. So can a physical regimen that includes some form of competitive, “aggressive” action.  Yoga won’t really get you there, but competitive sports and contact/ sparring sports can.  Meditation by itself is passive and limited in effectiveness, but in the context of a larger process is helpful for clearing the thinking mind and de-stressing.

Over time, you can differentiate solid, grounded masculine polarity from its false counterparts. You can notice a weak man pretending to be strong, you can see the soft mushiness of the man who has neglected his core and the man who is operating from stress-induced and thought-induced anger instead of embodied natural aggressive energies.   You can spot the “spiritual man” who is strong in his “sky energy” but weak in his “earth masculine” (the “inverted pyramid”).

And you’ll begin to see how phony and deceitful the structures around you really are.  You’ll begin to see the difference between how the media portrays men and women and what’s really going on. You’ll begin to see that what women say they want and how they actually respond are completely different.  You won’t need some coach to tell you how to interact with women, because you’ll discover that being a naturally-grounded man is attractive to women.  You’ll find yourself acting different and separate from the old fears and illusions.  And you’ll begin to realize how rare that kind of man is in Western society (and if you travel, how common it is elsewhere).

Yes, it’s like taking a red pill and waking up from the illusion, but nothing like the weak, angry, ego-driven “Red Pill” men.  You’ll actually BE different, not arguing the point in online groups.  You’ll walk, talk, think, feel, behave – not like a man, but AS a man. 

A naturally grounded man can acknowledge that feminism exists – and that it’s a joke.  That the whole political and media circus is an illusion.  None of it is real.  And I say naturally grounded as in aligned with your true human masculine nature, it’s not the same thing as what Rion is doing.  His stuff can help, but 95% of the work is going to be you – completely separate from any coaching or training stuff – shedding the false structures on your own.

And as you start feeling more of your natural core, you might sense some sadness and regret.  A lot of men in this world grow up being that natural man, they don’t get misled by some Western illusion. Maybe you’ll begin sensing that and feel regret and resentment for the good years that were cheated from you. That’s also a natural feeling – if you get released from prison after having done nothing wrong, you’ll value your freedom but also feel very restful for being put in there. While working to right the wrongs of society is important (I’ve taken a much more active stance when it comes to politics and the media precisely because of this) it’s also important to look forward and not spend too much time looking of your shoulder at what could have and should have been.

And finally, becoming a naturally grounded man will not make you a world-class ladies man.  It will put you where you need to be (if you follow your heart).  And for most men, that’s not a ladies man.  You’ll have freedom and access, but you’ll also find your place where you really belong.  And for a lot of men (the huge majority), that’s as the head of a healthy family. 

So if this ends up leading you to “marriage and children,” that doesn’t mean you did something wrong.  It probably means you did something right.  (Assuming you actually grew through the process and this is a conscious decision based on what you see as best for you and the greater good.)  A lot of coaches seem to look down on marriage, which is too bad.  There’s nothing noble about being single and dating a lot of women.  It’s one option.  It comes with positives and negatives.  It’s a possibility, not a goal.  Remember, a lot of good men have laid down their lives to protect their families.  Not too many will make that sacrifice to protect their right to stay single.  Something to think about.

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