Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Evolved My Ass - Y'all A Bunch of Stupid Fucking Sheep

"Please Pen us Up and Shear Us.  You can even slaughter some of us, cuz we scaaaaarrrrred!"

I thought some people were evolved.  I thought some people were really standing in the light and promoting freedom.  I thought some of y'all were unique and actually using your human talents instead of giving them away to fucking totalitarian governments.

I thought wrong.

You're all a bunch of worthless, stupid fucking sheep.  

You think the Chinese handled this right?  Fuck the Chinese government.  Fuck their authoritarian bullshit.  Fuck Italy and their shutting down an entire country because 1/10000 of the population has Kung Flu.  Y'all are okay with this bullshit?  Then fuck YOU.

China is fucking wrong.  Italy is fucking wrong.  And you so-called "evolved" people want to bend over like the prison bitch and let Donald Trump or Joe Biden fuck your ass at will?  Holy shit.

You know what?  All you so-called "evolved" people baying like scared little sheep because of a fucking flu virus are not evolved.  You're pussies and LIARS, no different than the "low vibration" masses y'all think you're better than.

You're not. You're worse.  Not only do you live in fear and ego attachment, you're also lying sacks of shit.  Fuck all y'all. You're pathetic.

And those of you fake "evolved" people I gave money to?  You ripped me off, and that's your karma.  But I've cut off my energy from you fake "lightworkers."  You ninnes couldn't change a light bulb much less do real light work.  

Real light work stands up for freedom over fear.  At the first sign of fear (and weak-assed, over-hyped, overblown fear at that), you caved.  You have no courage.  You have no sense of truth.  You have no connection to divine light.  You've been faking it the whole time.  You're frauds.

I'm grateful for the Wuhan Virus.  It's tearing off the fake masks being worn by the Cabal agents pretending to be light workers.  It's bringing out the truth - that you're all a bunch of fake-ass PUSSIES who don't know shit and don't have enough divine power to operate that mechanical monkey playing the cymbals, much less change the world.  So shut up, go find real jobs, and get out of the way.  Starbucks is calling - time for your fake asses to start pouring coffee and driving Uber on the side. It'll be a lot more useful to the world than the "evolved" bullshit you've been spreading.

So yah, thank God for this virus.  Next to the sheep, the wolves look pretty damn appealing. 

And FUCK the shepherds!  What the fuck is wrong with y'all??  I only supported Trump because Hillary would have been even FURTHER up my ass, I'm sure as hell not wanting to give him MORE power - WTF?? And no, turning things over to the party that lives to turn us all into fucking sheep sure as hell isn't  the answer.  The answer is to stand up and act like fucking HUMAN BEINGS!

You idiots talk about "5D" when you're all nothing but ONE-dimensional, wimpy, low-vibration-loving SHEEP.  NONE of you seems to have a clue what 2D is, much less 3, 4 or 5, so shut up with that bullshit take your retrograde nonsense off social media.  You're stupid, wimpy and 100% wrong all the time.  You're not light workers.  You're not helping.  Shut up and get real jobs, or step up.

The world need human beings.  Because you sheep SUCK.

Where's an abattoir when you need it?